AltaMed has taken care of our communities since 1969. When COVID-19 hit, our team responded quickly. We’re still actively improving our communities’ health through and beyond this pandemic so we can continue to grow healthy.
In March, the pandemic and a mandatory “stay-at-home” order hit California. Many of AltaMed’s community members are in the most at-risk groups – the elderly and essential workers. We responded quickly and adapted care, even though our patients are among the hardest hit.
Thanks to the support of our donors, we packaged and distributed food kits to our seniors and hygiene kits to our homeless patients, as well as set up outdoor COVID-19 testing and assessment sites.
Getting tested is proven to be one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of the COVID-19. However, the communities we serve struggled to access testing sites during the spring. AltaMed rapidly set up outdoor assessment areas to administer these life-saving tests.
With our quick pivoting, we’ve already provided nearly 60,000 COVID-19 tests to our patients and communities. We’ll continue testing to keep everyone safe.
As our communities slowly emerged from the crisis and we scaled up our telehealth model to include behavioral health and dental care, we knew some people would struggle to catch up. We assisted our frail seniors in getting set up and adapting to receiving preventive and ongoing care through their computers and phones.
AltaMed had been preparing to make care more accessible for all our patients. Because of the pandemic, we had to act quickly and implement this new infrastructure in record time.
Since the start of the pandemic, children in California haven’t been receiving their immunizations; the rates have plummeted by 40%. Our communities must continue to improve our overall health; we need to get back to the basics – starting with vaccinations.
With telehealth here to stay, we expanded our scope of care to include preventive dental care and behavior health. Our communities need the right tools to keep making informed decisions about their health.
The lasting effects of this pandemic are more far-reaching than we could have imagined. However, AltaMed is reimagining how we can move the needle on chronic diseases that substantially affect our community, such as diabetes and hypertension.
AltaMed is launching initiatives that better the overall health of the community, so our community won’t be considered high-risk for COVID or other diseases in the future.
The deterioration of chronic disease management is a direct result of the pandemic. Yet, taking care of chronic conditions is even more critical right now as COVID-19 raises the risk for people with underlying medical problems.
Cervical and breast cancer screenings have plunged dramatically since March. We need to ensure that every single person is still receiving life-saving services through and past the pandemic.
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